Home monitoring and energy

I’ve been playing with home monitoring since before I first owned a house, but I’ve not been very good at keeping notes. Recently I’ve started to get interested in solar panels for the house, and I’d like to be able to get data off them but it doesn’t seem to be obvious which kit makes this easy (without using companies cloud services, which I don’t really want to do), so I’m starting to make notes here....

June 12, 2022 · 4 min · Me

Lo-Fi Photography

A work in progress I’ll update this more another day. I love messing about with cameras, mostly digital. This page gathers together some of my experiments. Some of them might get their own pages eventually. Early timelapse experiments After I bought my first digital camera (A Fuji S500 I think) I spent ages glueing together gPhoto2 to try and take timelape photos using a laptop + cron + a long USB cable....

March 21, 2021 · 4 min · Me


They’re all Amazon Prime links (and naturally, they’re affiliate links so I make a few pennies if you order via the links) Many thanks to all those who contributed. Those who I can link to are Jon i4Details(who’s a tremendous car detailer in the North East) and Ruth Ball (author of Rough Spirits & High Society: The Culture of Drink and Rebellious Spirits: The Illicit History of Booze in Britain)...

March 14, 2021 · 3 min · Me

All of The Fat Of The land, at once

Another experiment with The Prodigy body { padding: 30px; } a { display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 20px; color: #000; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } Lets go $(document).ready(function() { $('#play-video').on('click', function(ev) { debugger; for (counter = 0; counter ...

May 3, 2020 · 1 min · Me

Aural Assault

Based on something I saw ears ago at The baltic that I’ve never managed to track down. Bring the noise $(document).ready(function() { $('#play-video').on('click', function(ev) { $("#video")[0].src += "&autoplay=1"; debugger; var counter=1; var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 7000); function myTimer() { console.log("#video"+counter); $("#video"+counter)[0].src += "&autoplay=1"; counter++; console.log("#video"+counter); } if(counter==9){ clearInterval(myVar); } ev.preventDefault(); }); }); ...

May 3, 2020 · 1 min · Me

No more gfarce

A daft little thing based on an in joke in my old team. Tweak the URL to create your own. no, more now! $( document ).ready(function() { var words=["errors", "loop", "gin", "electricity", "chocolate", "oiled wrestlers", "trees", "synergy", "woodlice", "addenda", "aircraft", "alumni", "analysis", "antenna", "antithesis", "appendices", "axis", "bacilli", "bacteria", "bases", "bison", "bureaus", "cacti", "château", "children", "codices", "crisis", "data", "deer", "diagnosis", "dice", "dwarfs", "ellipses", "faux pas", "fezes", "fish", "focu", "feet", "formulas", "...

May 3, 2020 · 1 min · Me

Tabloid scale

function setResult(first, second, destination){ // get the value from item1 var selector = document.getElementById(first); var valueOne = selector[selector.selectedIndex].value; var nameOne = selector[selector.selectedIndex].text; // get the value from item2 selector = document.getElementById(second); var valueTwo = selector[selector.selectedIndex].value; var nameTwo = selector[selector.selectedIndex].text; // do maths var result = valueTwo/valueOne; // construct sentence var sentence = "There are " + result + " " + nameOne + "s in a " + nameTwo ; // set sentence console....

May 3, 2020 · 1 min · Me