
Such is the nature of an office at Christmas, there were several large boxes of chocolates knocking about. I jokingly organised them into groups, forming a bar graph reminiscent of the NOC screens that hover above our team. Everybody laughed, jokes were made about the OCD nature of our team, and chocolates got eaten. However as the day went on, I noticed that the layout of the chocolates was affecting what I chose....

January 3, 2015 · 2 min · Me

Extract location data Google has about you, and stick it on a map

I love my Android phone, its great having a bit of kit I can mess with but that just works out of the box. Since Google retired Google Latitude I’d forgotten then my mobile knows exactly where I am and generally I don’t mind this, it helps my phone show me smarter information, but it’s my data and damn it, I want it. Eventually I’ll get round to writing a simple backend to store my location (it’s yet another thing I didn’t do in my time off), however I’d like to get out all my historic data....

October 12, 2014 · 2 min · Me

Measuring electricity usage for your business

For a few years I’ve been interested in reducing my environmental footprint, and the footprint of my business. Working from home this naturally means reducing the amount of energy my home is using. The first step on this road is measuring how much energy you use, and to a certain extent being aware of how much energy you’re using will lead to you reducing the amount. To this end I bought a Wattson a few years ago, a really beautiful energy monitor....

January 6, 2011 · 3 min · Me